RFU Touchline article on Gill Burns

The RFU's official news publication Touchline includes an article on Gill Burns, who has just retired from playing rugby 36 years after her England debut. Gill is synonymous with women’s rugby and with the Waterloo club where she’s played, coached, been Chair and President. She’s an active Past President and runs ... More

2024/25 October Meeting – Material now available

The October meeting featured two training and development topics. These were penalty advantage and the July 2024 law changes, which were covered by Jonny Cartwright and Andy McMillan respectively. Penalty Advantage As the presentations were not filmed, Jonny has provided a voice over for the slides he used on ... More

Nigel Longley receives long service award

Nigel Longley's 50 years' service to the Society was recognised at the October meeting with the presentation of an award from the Chairman, Paul Houston. Nigel, who is an honorary member, joined in 1974. After many years as a referee he became a match observer. He subsequently organised the fitness tests for ... More

Is your DBS still valid or do you need one to referee?

Message from: Andrew Lord, Society Safeguarding Officer Safeguarding and DBS Applications / Renewals Some of you will find that your Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) accreditation is expiring soon, or may already have expired. For those members who wish to officiate at matches involving players under the age of ... More

Analysis of Advisers’ Reports Published

An analysis of advisers' reports on referees for the 2023/24 season is now available. The report, which was prepared by Andy McMillan, is recommended reading for the Advisers' Training Day in October. It will also be of interest to referees.   More

Claiming Matchday Expenses – User Guide

Following the briefing given at the pre-season meetings, the user guide for claiming matchday expenses in Who's the Ref (WTR) is now available from the Documents Library. A copy of the presentation used for the briefing can be found here. The Society’s new approach to charging its clubs membership fees and paying ... More

2024/25 Pre-season Meetings – Videos of Presentations Available

Videos of the presentations given by Jonny Cartwright and Simon Vale at the recent pre-season meeting held at Blackburn are now available (similar presentations were given at Sedgley Park a week earlier). New Laws of the Game (24 minutes) New Expenses System plus Sources of Information and Support within the Society ... More

Henry Pearson promoted to the RFU PGMOT Associates

Congratulations to Henry Pearson who has been promoted to the RFU Professional Game Match Officials Team (PGMOT) Associates. Henry is one of four referees from the National Panel who have been chosen to join the PGMOT and they will be coached, trained and mentored by one of the professional referees, who they will ... More

Tony Turner (Society Member 1971- 2024): Obituary

Tony Turner joined the Society on 1st September 1971 and he received his salver marking 50 years of membership on 2nd November 2021 at the same meeting as long-time colleague David Hudson.  In between those dates Tony Turner made a remarkable contribution to refereeing at the highest domestic level, both as a Referee and ... More

Roger Bowden presented with the Alan Farmer Award for outstanding service to the Society

President John Jeskins presented Roger Bowden with the Alan Farmer Award for outstanding service to the Society at the AGM in July. When Roger’s refereeing career was cut short by injury in 1992, he was immediately recruited as an Adviser. From then his career within the Society and beyond started to take off. ... More