13 Results for group: all-club-contacts-documents
Club Fees and Referees Expenses Project
This is a copy of the slides used by John Pemberton, Honorary Treasurer, during the briefing he gave at the December meeting to introduce this project. The Club Fees and Referee Expenses (CFRE) project will result in the implementation of a new way of charging annual club member...
This is a PDF copy of the 2024-25 handbook, excluding the directory sections.
Contact details of those listed in the directory can be found in Who's the Ref (WTR).
This is the latest version of the Society's policy for collecting, processing and storing members’ and club contacts’ personal data.
The policy covers what personal data is included, the basis for using such data, with whom it is shared, and why, and the rights members and club contacts have with regard to their ...
Amendments to the 2024-25 handbook are listed here.
Individuals’ contact details can be found in Who’s the Ref (WTR), which is assumed to hold the most up-to-date information.
Members and club contacts are asked to keep their contact details up-to-date on WTR and inform the Society at madrefs.info@gmail.com of ...
Application Form to request club membership of the Society.
Last update: 13/08/2024
The guide is essential reading for all club fixture secretaries and club referee contacts as the protocol underpins the process of appointing officials to matches.
(Updated 1st August 2024 to reflect new process for charging clubs their membership fees plus other minor edits. )
A two-page briefing for referees and club contacts giving an overview of how the appointments process works in Who's the Ref (WTR).
Useful aide-memoires are also provided.
Instructions for setting a password on Who's the Ref (WTR).
Only members of the Society and club contacts will be given access to WTR.
Latest version (5.14) of the introductory guide for users of Who's the Ref (WTR).